Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Blog

In class we were asked to answer some questions after a reading in class.

Food Blog
Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them? I think it is so easy to choose something that is unhealthy for them when it is easily accessible. When I visit the grocery store the store always place the organic food next to the non organic foods and the non organic foods are always cheaper. For a person who is not financially able, buying organic isn’t feasible. Also ignorance accounts for a lot of the reason why people don’t eat healthier. Unhealthy foods are also just more appealing, labels like low-fat, fat free, make the “FAKE” food seem more healthy then it is actually is.
What roles/responsibilities does the government have in farming your choices? I don’t think it’s the government responsibility to manage farming per say, but if it get to the point where our health is suffering then our peoples health is at risk then the government should step in. education is the biggest thing. If our populous was educated about their options then they would make better decisions.


  1. For number one your answer is similar to mine. but different because we write differently i think i write how i talk...thats it.

  2. I agree labels can be very misleading. It's all the federal government's fault. I think when a person is elected they inject something into them that makes them act stupidly.

  3. Aleesha I totally agree with you on how if our health is suffering which I believe Americas is based on the fact that we are up there for the fattest country that the goverment should step in. I believe they should keep an eye on the food and agriculture companies because honestly most of them are in it for the cash money it seems like. In the article Pollan says that the government and food industry was trying to stop a organization from telling the truth about how unhealthy it is to eat so much meat. I mean what has the world come to if we pick money over people's lives and their well being? It's outrageous!!!

  4. Education would be extremely helpful, but I wonder how we could teach it. Would it be in the classroom, would there be off-the-clock classes, pamphlets, etc? Also, I believe that some people would rather not know what's in their Kool-aid. Before that gets racially misinterpreted, I'm referring to the phrase "We all drink that Kool-aid", meaning spiked/poisoned cult juice.

  5. I am so with you on that Aleesha. As much as I would love to buy all organic products, it just isn't economically realistic to purchase these items in most cases. Yes, unhealthy foods are MUCH more appealing but I for one have been trying to make healthier choices and it's not as hard as it seems. Do I still love chili cheese fritos? Yes. But it's kinda gross when you read the actual contents.
    Aside from that, I whole heartedly agree with everything that you said! :) Good Job!

  6. Sorry, but do you really believe in fact that bio-organic products are much more healthier than classic food? The price for bio products is set so high only because you pay for the advertising label "BIO". I think it is really funny how some people are fanatic about speaking of genmod food. Many of them won't tell you any scietific reasons why genmod food is unhealthy and they will just continue in shouting the same claims. They think that modified gens from food will affect your body. But that is really absurd. You don't need university degree to realize how those opinions are unrealistic. Because our bodies don't recieve any genetic information from eaten food.

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